The Host Organisation for the Midland Burn Operational Delivery Network is the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2WB
Tel: 0121 627 2000
Julia Cons
Lay Member
Julia is a Freelance Journalist and runs a successful business offering copywriting, web development and marketing services to a range of clients in the private, public and charity sectors. Major clients include The Holocaust Centre, which educates school children and provides training for professionals whose work involves addressing the consequences of prejudice and discrimination, and Aegis Trust which works to prevent crimes against humanity worldwide and support its victims.
Julia has extensive experience of the pharmaceutical industry, and has been a Non Executive Director of a PCT, Lay Member of the Nottingham Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements and a School Governor. She is currently chair of her local Parish Council and a Lay Member of the East Midlands Specialised Commissioning Group.As a Lay Member she offers an external viewpoint to the Network, taking on the role of ‘critical friend' and bringing a non-professional perspective
Naiem Moiemen
Lead Clinician
MB BS FRCS (Plast)
Naiem Moiemen is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon based in Birmingham. Naiem has had a long career as a Burns Surgeon and has considerable experience in both clinical practice and research associated with the management of burn injuries. He is chairman of the British Burn Association.
Naiem has been the Senior Clinician / Head of Service for the adult service in Birmingham and has also been an integral part of the consultant team responsible for caring for children. Naiem has a national reputation as a senior clinician in the field of burn care.
Naiem is responsible for clinical leadership and advising on clinical developments and governance across the MBCN. He is an active member of the National Network for Burn Care and is proactive in working with the clinical leads from the other Networks in England and Wales towards the adoption of common practices.
Jane Leaver
Lead Nurse
Jane Leaver is the Lead Nurse for the Midlands Burn Care Network. She is a Registered Paediatric and Adult Nurse who qualified in 1985. She started working in the field of burns and plastic surgery in 1986 and has worked in several burns and plastic surgery units in this country and also in Toronto and Adelaide. Jane works at Birmingham City University as a Lecturer Practitioner where she runs the Burns, Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery degrees. She also maintains close clinical links with UHB and BCH.
Jane is a member of the British Burn Association and is involved in running and teaching on their Emergency Management of Severe Burns Courses. As the Lead Nurse, Jane provides nursing representation and advice to the Midlands Burn Care Network, and leadership and feedback to nurses across the Network. She also works closely with the rest of the Network Leads, and links nationally to the other Burn Care Networks. The aim is to further develop and enhance the care of burn patients across the Midlands.
Midlands Burn Care Network
Vacant Posts
Network Host Organisation
Steven Cook
Network Manager
Steven is the Network Manager for each of the Burns, Critical Care and Trauma Operational Delivery Networks. Previously working as the Burns Network Manager within the South West of England, Steven has worked within the community and acute sectors of the NHS for the last 12 years. Previously as an HR Manager and Service Manager.
As a Network Manager, Steven has participated in developing the National Surge and Escalation plan and National Burns incident plan for Burns major incidents and has been engaged in several national mass casualty events. Steven is responsible for the governance and performance of the services within the networks, the management of network/service risks and the delivery of network wide workplans to meet requirements of national service specifications.