Private providers of elective spinal surgery:

BMI Meriden Hospital

BMI South Cheshire

BMI Priory 
Nuffield North Staffordshire

Nuffield Shrewsbury 

Nuffield Warwickshire

Nuffield Wolverhampton 
Ramsay Rowley Hall

Ramsay West Midlands Hospital 
Spire Little Aston 

Spire Parkway

Spire Little Aston

Spire Droitwich 

Type of elective spine surgery by hospital:

The West Midlands Regional Spine Network (WM RSN) includes 3 major trauma centres, 2 specialist orthopaedic hospitals, 3 neuroscience centres and 3 spine partner hospitals. There is also a specialist children’s hospital which provides elective and emergency spine care. There is a regional specialist spinal cord injury rehabilitation centre. Spine cord injury rehabilitation also takes place at the neurorehabilitation centres associated with the major trauma centres. 
University Hospital North Midlands, University Hospital Birmingham, University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital and Robert Jones Agnes Hunt are known as spine hubs as they provide 24 hours spine on call cover.

Royal Wolverhampton Hospital, Walsall Manor Hospital and Russells Hall Hospital are spine partners as they provide a spine service but without 24 hours on call cover.

Spine Surgical Service Outline:

All hospitals accept adult patients for outpatient and inpatient management. BCH, UHNM, ROH and RJAH accept 16 – 18 year olds for outpatient and inpatient management. BCH and UHNM accept <16 year olds for outpatient and inpatient management. RJAH manages patients <14 years old as inpatients through Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool. 
In addition to the above hospitals are the triage services, pain management and rehabilitation services. Private provider hospitals carrying out spine surgery are also part of the RSN. 

​Types of emergency spine disorders accepted for management by hospital: